About Us

    It's very amazing that you are seeing this website right now. Because the person that makes it and the person who sell things on it never met in reality. The person makes this website doesn't know much about the seller, so he only can tell you about what he knows about the seller in this web page.
    The person who made this website met the person sell things amazingly. One day, the seller just amazingly add the wechat of the website maker, while the website maker didn't told anyone except his classmates and parents that he can write HTML code and can make websites. The seller never tell him about and information of him/her self, even his/her gender. He/She only said that he/she wants to make a store that can make any one lost in the universe can be alive as long as that organism is can access this store.
    About the website maker, he is a make and a carbon-based organism. He uses an amazing website called neocities to make other websites. That's all he can tell you here. Enjoy your shopping experience please.

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